We abide by the rules of Gateway Ice Centre. Gateway Ice Centre has the right to remove any league, Team or player who does not obey by the rules of Gateway Ice Centre.
Any Team or player ejected from Gateway Ice Centre will not receive a refund.
All Players or Teams are responsible for any damage they cause to Gateway Ice Centre.
Players will be eligible to play and will be covered by insurance only when said player has been approved by League Management.
Any player who does not obey this process will not have player insurance and will be playing at their own risk.
Any Team who uses a player that is not on their on-line roster, and this player receives a major or match penalty in that game, will result in the Team being suspended for a minimum of one game. The suspension will depend on the penalty.
All Teams must get approval from the League Manager to use a player who is not on their on-line roster.
To be eligible to play in the playoffs, a player must play in a minimum of 6 REGULAR SEASON GAMES.
Injured players will have their missed games counted towards the minimum number of games required to play to be eligible for playoffs (provided they have been placed on the game sheet and marked down as INJURED or they have informed the League Manager).
If there is any question of eligibility for the playoffs please talk to your League Manager.
Team Rosters must be 100% correct on line with the players first and last name and jersey number, by the end of the sixth game of the season. Any player not registered with the proper information by the sixth game will not be eligible to play in further games!
No further players will be allowed to register after the sixth game unless approved by the League Manager.
Please contact your League Manager for any changes to your Team roster.
Any Team adding a sub player for a game(s) must email the League Convenor for approval.
Games will be defaulted when:
(A minimum of 5 eligible skaters and a goalie is required.) If a goalie is required a grace time, 10 minutes will be allowed by the timekeeper using the game clock. The team with enough players shall be deemed the winner. (1 -0 win) in Regular Season and (5-0) in the playoffs.
A Team that forfeits a game will also receive a one game suspension. The game they are suspended for will be given to the Team they forfeit against.
Each team will supply their own goalie. It is up to each team to arrange for a backup goalie.
If unable to find a Goalie you can contact you League Manager and he/she will do their best to help.
Player(s) who are ejected from the game must go directly to their dressing room. NO EXCUSES
Any Player(s) who do not follow this rule could have their suspension increased.
There will be no appeal for any player who does not obey these rules.
The League Manager has the authority to call any game if an ejected player or players will not go to their dressing room and is causing problems
If a game is called, the team which the ejected player plays for will forfeit the game and this could lead to a suspension of one game for the whole Team.
We will notify the Team Rep of the player who is suspended and the length of the suspension.
As the Team Rep you are then responsible to notify your player.
We may ask you to send us a report to verify what you have told us on the phone or in conversation at the rink.
League Management will verify the altercation or incident by video. It will then be sent to the Team rep with the Leagues Final decision
We will talk to any Team Rep or player about their concern of any suspension handed out.
But at all times you must show respect to the League personal. If at any time you lose control, the meeting will end and the suspension will remain the same or be increased.
You will only be allowed to appeal one suspension during any season and all other suspensions will remain the same.
Any person that is suspended will not be allowed to play or be on any teams’ bench during the game(s) for the duration of their suspension.
If a suspended person plays or is on the bench during a game, the game will be defaulted, and could be subject to possible ejection from the League.
This also could lead to suspension of the Whole Team for a number of games or the remainder of the season.
Games suspended will be served consecutively.
1st suspension - 1 to 5 games.
2nd suspension - remainder of season.
Fighting Suspension
1st fight is 3 games minimum
Instigator of the fight will receive 2 plus games from the 3-game minimum
2nd fight the season is over.
All minor penalties are 2 minutes during run or stop time.
High Sticking, Cross Checking and Slashing penalties are double minors (6 Minutes)
Body contact is not allowed and will result in a minor or major penalty depending on the referees' call.
Major penalties are 7 minutes and the player will be ejected from the game.
Head Shots - Any player who delivers a head shot with a punch, stick, shoulder or elbow will receive a major and will be ejected from the game.
If anyone receives 3 penalties in any game, he/she will be ejected from the game.
Any player who injuries another player because of their action on the ice will be ejected from the game and a suspension could follow, which will be based on the severity of the injured player irrespective of which team.
major penalties (fighting or any other) will be dealt with on an individual basis to determine the length of the suspension. All suspensions will be accompanied by a regular season and playoff ban versus the team which the fight occurred against.
If a fight occurs, all players not involved must retreat immediately to their bench areas or as directed by the referees. Failure to retreat to your bench area or as directed by the referees will result in additional penalties at the discretion of the referees.
If there are any line brawls the game is OVER all players involved will be suspended. The player(s) who started the altercation will be suspended for no less than 5 games but could lead to a season ending suspension.
Any player who removes (drops) their gloves at any point during the game to engage in an altercation or to show intent to fight, will automatically be ejected from the game.
Any player who engages or initiates any type of altercation in the penalty box with an opposing player while serving a penalty will be immediately ejected from the game. This is something that will not be tolerated, and will result in an indefinite suspension.
Any player who engages or initiates any type of altercation during the hand shake or shootout with an opposing player will result in an indefinite suspension.
Leaving Team Bench - Only the players on the ice at the time of any altercation are allowed to be on the ice. All other players must remain on the bench. Anyone leaving the bench for any reason will automatically be ejected from the game and suspended for 5 games. Additional penalties will be given at the discretion of the referees.
Is a Match penalty. There will be an immediate 3 game suspension and a league rep meeting to deem any further suspension. The Referees will determine if there was intent to injure.
Any player who draws blood on another player using their stick or body will be ejected from the game. (Accidental or intentionally). League Manager will decide if the infraction is worthy of a suspension.
Any player who injuries another player will be ejected immediately from the game. The length of their suspension will be based on the recovery time of the injured player.
All other minor or major penalties according to the C.A.H.A. rules will apply to our League along with the listed above.
In the case of a misconduct penalty, another player will serve only the minor penalty portion when the person who receives the misconduct is ejected from the game; also, there is no suspension if a game misconduct is assessed for verbal reasons, only ejection from that game.
If any fan of the Team playing causes or instigates a confrontation with the other Team or Referees, the game will end with the whole Team being suspended until further notice. Confrontation could be considered extensive banging on the glass, yelling, and throwing things on the ice going anywhere near the opponents or penalty bench.
Any player receiving a Match or Major penalty in the playoff will be suspended for the remainder of the playoffs.
No Beer, Tobacco Chew or Vaping Products are allowed on the bench, any player with any of these will be asked to leave the game.
Any player using anti-gay, homophobic or racialslurs will be ejected immediately from the game. GAHL will not tolerate this behavior in any manner.
Thank you
Gateway Ice Centre
1st Period:
The clock will be set at 25 minutes and will start to run as soon as the Zamboni door is closed and the Referees are on the ice.
Referees will blow their whistle to start the game.
If a Team is not ready by the 21-minute mark this Team will receive a minor penalty for delay of game.
2nd Period:
The clock will be set at 22:00 minutes and it will start to run at the drop of the puck.
The last 3 minutes of the 2nd period will be stop time if the game is within 2 goals or Tied.
NHL Style shootout will be used if the game is tied after Regular Time.
One time out per Team per game. (30 seconds)
All minor penalties are 3 minutes not 2 minutes.
Penalty times will not start until the puck is dropped
The Only time the clock will stop other than what has been indicated in the period format is if a player is injured or at the request of the Referee.